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Why having a talent management strategy matters

A talent management strategy is crucial for any business. A well-defined strategy empowers an organisation to attract, develop, motivate, and retain top talent, ensuring that it has the right people...

The pros and cons of a reorg

During uncertain or rapidly changing times, many businesses consider undergoing a reorganisation...

The future of work is about more than wfh

The recent conversation around the future of work has focused on working from home, after millions...

Why customer AND employee experience are your brand

Great advertising and smart marketing campaigns are no longer the backbones of your brand. Now, your...

Warning signs of a stressed team member – and what to do about it

Employee wellbeing has been a priority for effective leaders for some time. But no one was expecting...

How to be a successful hybrid work leader

As The Great Working From Home Experiment comes to a close, it’s clear that a return for the...

Excited about returning to the office? You might be in the minority

We ran a small poll on Twitter and found that only 3% of respondents would like to return to the...

See Kalido in action

‘Right Person, Right Work’ Talent Solution

Transform your business with Kalido’s powerful skill-matching AI

Talent Solution